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  3. Corrective Action

Corrective Action

Employees are expected to meet certain standards of work performance and conduct.  The company’s expectations and standards include, but are not limited to, those outlined in this handbook.  Employees who do not meet the company’s standards and expectations may be given the opportunity to improve his/her performance and/or conduct through the corrective action process, as shown in the Quality Service Manual, where appropriate in the discretion of management, given the circumstances.  The nature of the corrective action used, up to and including immediate termination of employment, will depend on the conduct of the employee and the relevant circumstances as determined at the discretion of the company.


  • To provide a guideline for managers and employees to consult if performance issues arise.
  • To help employees and managers resolve performance related issues.
  • Provide an opportunity for employees to correct performance issues where appropriate.
  • If an employee fails to meet the company’s expectations and standards and corrective action is considered appropriate, it may take the form of verbal counseling, written warning or reprimand, improvement plan, probation, suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment as determined appropriate at the company’s discretion.

Employee Responsibilities

  • Employees are responsible for understanding and meeting performance standards of his/her position.
  • Employees are encouraged to discuss potential issues or challenges with his/her manager.
  • Employees should take responsibility for his/her performance and work to correct his/her behaviors.
  • Employees with any questions about their performance and/or expected conduct standards are advised to speak directly to their manager.

Manager Responsibilities

  • Be proactive when managing performance issues by communicating performance expectations to employees and providing ongoing counseling and feedback.
  • Initiate the corrective action process as performance issues occur.  Call your own manager for assistance.
  • Lead and be consistent with all employees throughout the corrective action process.
  • Discuss corrective actions in a private setting and give employees the opportunity to respond.
  • Review written corrective actions, probations and terminations with the next level of management prior to meeting with the employee.
  • Ask employees to sign all corrective actions to acknowledge receipt.  One signed copy should be given to the employee and the original should be placed in the employee’s file.

Executive Responsibilities

  • Consult with managers and employees as necessary throughout the corrective action process.
Updated on September 5, 2019

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